“We need to find new ways to reach more prospects. Like, yesterday.”

“Our Content and Social programs feel dated and aren’t creating the results we need. Also, should we be on TikTok?”

“We need to start acting like a Media Brand, and maybe even become one ourselves. But what does that even mean?!?”

“We’ve built up a good following for our podcast and social channels, but how the heck are we going to convert any of those people?”

“PR sucks and seems like a waste of time.”

If you’ve said any of these things in the last 6 months, my Outside-In workshops are for you.

Turn Your Marketing Strategy Outside-In

Customized workshops to help you build and convert a highly engaged audience of followers, fans, and future customers.

Most marketing teams use an inside out approach to target buyers who are actively in-market for a solution. This represents less than 1% of your total target audience, leaving a lot of future business up for grabs.

I’ll teach you how to generate awareness, brand preference, and a system of ongoing engagement with the other 99% using the Outside-In approach.

So you can scale your reach, influence future buyers, and be the first one they call when they’re ready for a solution.

Build a passionate audience.

Become their favorite follow

Outside-In Workshops

My custom workshops teach you the ins and outs of the Outside-In approach to B2B marketing, audience building, and demand creation. I teach marketing teams how to take an audience-first approach to building a highly engaged community of followers, fans, and future customers. You’ll learn how to adapt this new approach to your unique market, and walk away with an actual plan for how you’re going to build an audience, convert them into buyers, and crush your targets.

90-Minute Virtual Workshop: $3,000 USD

Bring your team together for an eye-opening session where you’ll learn how to:

  • Build an audience-first Content, Social, Brand, and Demand program that earns the trust of potential buyers and keeps them perpetually engaged — unlike those soul sucking email nurtures

  • Create lead magnets and progressive conversion points that turn engaged followers and fans into qualified leads and buyers — no more relying on Likes and Pageviews to justify your efforts

  • Partner with key influencers and creators to expand your reach and create standout content

  • Apply these learnings to reframe your existing programs and/or launch a new Media Brand

1/2 Day Virtual Workshop: $5,000 USD

Building on the 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn all of the strategies above, plus:

  • How to transform internal talent into external evangelists and/or hire new in-house Creators

  • Complete tailored exercises to identify specific opportunities to apply the Outside In approach to your unique market and audience

  • Walk away with a starting point for an Outside-In audience building plan, customized for your business

1 Day LIVE Onsite Workshop: $10,000 USD

Perfect for learning, planning, and team building

I’d love to join your team for the day for an interactive onsite and planning session! Over the course of the day, we’ll cover all of the topics and exercises from the workshops above along with interactive Q&A, exploratory discussions, and brainstorming. Your team will have the chance to develop an initial Outside-In strategy proposal, pitch it to Tyler, and get immediate feedback and recommendations. I’m happy to spend some time reviewing and providing feedback on other marketing initiatives as well. A great way to learn, develop new ideas, and do some team building while we’re at it! Who knows, maybe I’ll even host a meme-making contest?

Interested in a Workshop?

Complete the form below to let me know what’s on your mind, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss options, availability, and the best approach for your unique team and needs.